Thursday, October 8

70th Anniversary of Wizard of Oz

70th Anniversary of The Wizard of Oz

Want to win a copy?  Here are a few sites that are having giveaways.
*PLEASE, read the official rules first.  Some sweeps allow one entry per email, one per household, or one time only....  Don't get your entry disqualified.
*Be careful to check your entry.  You don't have to sign up for magazines or subscriptions in order to enter!

Have can't win if you don't enter!


  1. Just bought a copy for me and the grandkids. They had never seen it!

    What fun we had!

  2. I love the Wizard of Oz. I'm off to enter.

  3. Thank you for listing these giveaways. Have a great week and I hope you'll be posting again soon.
