Monday, March 29

Manic March..........

Sorry I have been MIA from my blogging.....I have been over my head in re-organizing!  Way too much stuff!!
*My DD1 came into town for SXSW.
*Taking new shop photos (Always trying to improve em).
*Spending almost 100,000 EC points in one day.    Thank you so much my EntreCard Droppers!

EC Dropper # of drops
Seek No More 31
BeadedTail 31
A Rose By Name 31
The Sewing Mom 30
Picture to People 30
Random Ramblings 30
Coming Back to Life 30
Leading Edge Personal Development 30
Ruth's Creations 30
The Soap Seduction 29

  .....................What's new in your world????


  1. Well let me be the first to say Welcome Back, loving your blog.

  2. Been worried about you...hope all is okay :)

  3. How sweet Alterity,I have been spreading myself way too thin and not doing a great job of budgeting my time lately. I am expanding the garden, starting new projects (too many at one time), and then the old back and fibro acts up. But, I would get so bored if I did not have 100s of things going at

  4. I've been in the same situation. Glad I was able to come by and say hi! {:-Deb

  5. I wondered where you had disappeared...glad it was for something good.

  6. Welcome back -- those blackboard buttons are adorable!

  7. thanks for always dropping by on my blog :)
