Saturday, January 31

Thank You...... EntreCard Top Droppers & Readers

Dropper # of drops
The Junk Drawer 31
BeadedTail 31
Computer Aid 31
Mr Soleh’s Outburst 31
Robin's Nest:  Scrap out loud 31
On The Bricks 30
Lofty Matters 30
Septagon Studios Inc News Blog 30 30
Kitchen Retro 30

......I want to thank all my blog readers and droppers:

♥ EntreCarders who drop on my blog each day & purchase ads,
♥ Fantastic Bloggers who read my blog & leave comments
♥ Loving Bloggers who have left me awards (...I am so very behind at the moment from passing some awards on..hubby has been dropping EC's for me lately so I can find time to create more).

...You really are the greatest!


  1. I want to thank you for being such a loyal dropper on my blog :)

    Have a great day!

  2. Hi There and Thank you for the link love. Pleasure to visit and drop!
    Have a great week! :-)
