Monday, August 25

Entrecard Drops...and Tool Bar

Wow...I run out of cards to drop before I am through.
I don't know how everyone drops (I am new to it). I go through my EC inbox for cards that I have not dropped on, make sure my favorites have not been forgotten and I still see that 300 per day way too soon.

It is great to get up in the morning and have an advert waiting for log into your dashboard and then see that they have cancelled it before you even see it. I give the person at least a day or two to approve my ads. Oh well...I have to sleep some time. I am not on the computer at night since I am on it all day.

So, I apologize to anyone who I did not return their drops...It does not mean I did not want to.....I simply just ran out of drops for the day....

Post Update:
Entre Tool Bar (for Firefox)
If you have not tried it it HERE.
It works great for loading all of your favorites in tabs and they are ready in a jif to drop and read!


  1. I am new to this too! I am on late at night for now but when the school year starts I'll be going to bed at a decent hour...

    The cards do add up quickly, don't they? A lot of new blogs to keep track of..

    I like yours a lot!

  2. welcome :-) I love the image on your button. Did you design it?


  3. Thanks Lidian for all of your EC Drops!...I love your blog too...

  4. igoddess
    Yes, I did design my button...Thanks for noticing it.

  5. I spend so much time reading everyone's blog that I don't make it to 300 drops a day. I wish there were more hours in a day!

  6. great job with EC! I'm trying to keep up but it takes some time! Wish I could to afford on your page but you're too expensive for me!

  7. Fantastic. Entrecard always give me good traffic and some of them are really quality and fantastic friends.

  8. For those of you that have not downloaded the Entrecard toolbar...It is great!

    I have been using the toolbar for my favorites, it saves so much time. While it is loading the pages, I am reading instead of clicking links.

    I know...I wish we could set our own prices (I know the goal)...but, I still agree with you. Or at least let us offer a reduced price to our favs. I really don't know that much about EC, yet.
