Sunday, August 31

August.....Hot and full of rage

I was in Florida in August of 2004 for the 4 hurricanes.
Please, evacuate if you are told to do so. It is not worth the risk to stay with your stuff!

Even mighty oaks can fall....
(Charlie, you sure did make a mess. I am very thankful that all my family & friends were not hurt...just a little rattled).


  1. I had a coworker a couple years back that lost everything in Andrew. They had to rebuild their lives in Wisconsin with no friends or family support- took them ten years to get a normal life- but I imagine there was still a lot of pain and emotional hurt.

    I can be found here
    One of a Kind Wisconsin.

  2. I lived in Florida for three years so I know where you are coming from. I hope the end of hurricane season comes soon with no distruction in any of it's path.

  3. We're watching Ike. With 4 cats and 2 dogs we need to make evacuation plans early. We had some damage from Frances but were lucky with Jeanne. Let's hope our luck holds.
